Behold Our God
When we hear the Pride Parade attendees chanting “we’re coming for your children,” department stores marketing transgenderism to children, when seemingly every kid show or movie is brimming with heavy-handed leftist and progressive ideology, all while the White House is flying the banner of this satanic movement, it can be easy to despair. For the believer, it may seem our options are to succumb to the tidal wave of worldliness or get crushed. It may seem like darkness is winning, but it will not.
We must not forget what God tells us through his perfect and sufficient word. The Bible is clear on who wins this battle between light and darkness. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it (John 1:5). It is easy to dismiss this Biblical reality in light of the present darkness. While we intellectually know God wins in the end, our emotional and physical senses constantly struggle to accept this reality fully. What is the believer’s antidote for this struggle? Here are three observations from scripture that can serve to help us fight the good fight in these dark times.
Behold your God
We must begin by looking at our Savior. Like Peter walking on water, we begin to sink when we turn away from Jesus to focus on the storm around us. While we shouldn’t be ignorant of the storm, dwelling and despairing on the wind and waves will cause us to sink. Focus your gaze upon Almighty God. How do we Behold the invisible God? We look through the lens of the inherent scripture. Through the Bible, we see God in complete sovereign control. God is not despairing about the darkness. He knows the end of the darkness and sits on his throne, confident of his victory. Psalm 2 spells out for us the pathetic plight of the wicked against the purpose of the Everlasting King. He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision. Then he will speak to them in his wrath and terrify them in his fury... Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel (Psalms 2:4-5,8-9).
When we behold our God, we see him as mighty. The rising evil and the vain plots of wicked rulers do not threaten him. Instead, he laughs at their silly attempts to overthrow him. Our King knows the end, and he knows his victory is guaranteed. We can have that same confidence when we behold him through communing with him in prayer and meditating on his word.
Be Busy about the Kingdom
Seeing our King on His throne will inspire worship in our hearts and the desire to serve His Kingdom. While we know that the kingdom of this world is passing away, we are still called to be hard at work for the Master’s business until He returns. The Parable of the Ten Minas illustrates this (Luke 19:11-27). God has given us the gift of the Gospel -- the good news of His victorious Kingdom -- to steward and spread until he returns. We must be busy making most of our time doing the work of the Kingdom. While I don’t believe that our activity will bring in the work of the Kingdom, we are not called to hide in fear. Engage in the work God has placed before you. Do it with all your heart to God’s glory. As you go and walk in the truth and light, share the joy and salvation you have with others.
Bless the Next Generation
I want to return to the illustration of Peter walking on the water. It is essential to see that we are like Peter in the choice to either fix our eyes on Christ or the despair of our situation. But what we must add to the story is the fact that the next generation is watching us. What are we showing them? Are we teaching the next generation that our careers are a higher priority than their being trained in righteousness? Do they see us giving in to the spirit of the age and denying Christ at the scoffing of strangers? Is our testimony that of despairing over the perverted headlines of the day? We are more than conquerors through Christ, yet our children may think our victory comes from our positive thinking, good works, and self-image rather than the finished work of Christ.
Bless your children by giving them the gift of Jesus. Show them by your life and loves what it means to be a follower of Christ. Let them come to Him, and do not hinder them. We can do this by Deuteronomy 6, making the word and work of God central to our homes, by walking in truth and not by the lies of this world, and by interceding for them whenever we can.
My desire in sharing this is not to lay a burden on our backs, but rather I hope to remove one. The actual burden is trying to live the Christian life by our own strength. Christ’s yoke is easy, and His burden is light (Matthew 11:30). Stop carrying a weight you were not designed to bear. Don’t watch the wind and waves. Instead, behold your God.